Friday, December 19, 2014

QI for the win

Now that we officially know that 3G can be broken and that
it makes sense to place particular (passive) hardware on the
roof top of embassies (the cellar is already stuffed with
torture equipment and you have better gain at the roof),
my threat analysis here was correct. In particular the
last paragraph should be repeated, as you can start sending
your QI before the victim packet is even close to the
target if you just captured the SYN packet on air.
As a bonus, you dont need to deploy evil hardware in the
target network.
Nevermind, I am not going to torture you with more threat
analysis posts. There are enough of them. :)

1 comment:

needs2root said...

hey, any idea of when someone is going to fix the unrevoked webpage so we can download the exe??